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Manufacturer's Product Description

Lea Ceramiche from Italy, presents Progetto L14, a contemporary series of glazed ceramic tiles in primarily rectangular sizes and decorative shapes in a multitude of solid colors.

Standard nominal sizes are 4″x16″, 8″x16″. Sizes are modular and can be used together to create a wide variety of combinations.

There are eleven colors in the standard line, including matte finishes in neutral, medium and dark shades, and gloss finish accent colors.

Decorative Shapes
In addition to Naturale, standard flat tiles, Progetto L14 features six decorative shapes, which can be used in combination or with flat tiles. Check color availability for each shape.

Progetto L14 can be used on interior residential and commercial walls and residential floors.

Installation + Maintenance
Progetto L14 is installed using standard ceramic tile thinset installation procedures. Click for additional installation information. Clean with a mild detergent cleaner and damp cloth as needed.