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Manufacturer's Product Description

Inspired. Contemporary. Effortless. Bernu is the most contemporary line from Arconas. Available with curved or straight beams, this finely-crafted product can be configured to create dynamic, inviting seating areas. The aeronautically-inspired design is sharp and modern, and seating is available with a selection of finishes and materials. With high-tech design, Bernu is effortless to install and maintain. Bernu passes the most rigid fire standards in North America CAL 133 and in Europe (British Standard-5852). US Patent: D498,077 S


Seats & back panels: Perforated steel
Cushions: Injected molded CFC free, HR fire retardant soy-based BiOH polyol foam
Beam: Anodized aluminium
Supports: Die-cast aluminum


Cast Aluminum: Satin with bright polished accents
Steel: Titanium powder coat