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Manufacturer's Product Description

Product Specs
Construction: Multi-Level Tip Sheared Loop
Standard Backing: PremierBac® Plus (standard backing)
Dye Method: Yarn Dyed
Fiber Type: Ultron® Nylon BCF
Face Weight: 24 oz./sy
Pile Density: 7107 oz./y3
Pattern Repeat: N/A
Gauge: 1/10
Stitches: 8.60 stitches/in
Standard Width: 12 ft
Special Treatments: ProTex® Soil Release
Optional Backings: TitanBac® Plus (optional backing)
: Endure® Plus (optional backing)
Standard Adhesive: Commercialon Premium Carpet Adhesive

Construction: Multi-Level Tip Sheared Loop
Standard Backing: PremierBac® Plus (standard backing)
Dye Method: Yarn Dyed
Fiber Type: Ultron® Nylon BCF
Face Weight: 24 oz./sy
Pile Density: 7107 oz./y3
Pattern Repeat: N/A
Gauge: 1/10
Stitches: 8.60 stitches/in
Standard Width: 12 ft
Special Treatments: ProTex® Soil Release
Optional Backings: TitanBac® Plus (optional backing)
: Endure® Plus (optional backing)
Standard Adhesive: Commercialon Premium Carpet Adhesive


  • Construction : Tip Sheared |
  • Dye (Broadloom): Yarn |
  • Gauge (Broadloom): 1/10" |
  • Pile/Face Weight : 20-29 oz/yd2 |
  • Width (Broadloom): 12' |
  • Pattern: Uncertain |