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Manufacturer's Product Description

Workplace furniture that combines clean, classic lines with the natural beauty of wood always makes a professional impression and never goes out of style. Thats why modular, versatile Precedent represents enduring value. Nienkampers remarkable expertise using natural and stained veneers is evident in the careful matching of adjacent panels, and in the way the wood wraps smoothly around work surface edges. Precedents durable finish ensures that all wood veneers and finishes will look their best for years to come.

The Precedent Collection is made up of work surfaces, file storage, overhead storage, closets and portable workstation elements that come together practically and elegantly in the finest wood finishes available. Precedent is designed to offer exceptional value in the executive, private and middle office.

Every Precedent element is designed down to the smallest detail. Accurate connections ensure easy installation, and height adjusters, accessible from the interior, make it possible to level the furniture without lifting it. On overhead doors, concealed indentations eliminate the clutter of visible hardware. Overhead lighting is also standard. Tack panels and panels below work surfaces are removable for convenient access to voice/data/power connections. Work surfaces and drawer fronts have extra-thick, solid wood edges. Drawers glide silently into position and have textured matte black interiors. Pedestal storage units are available in two sizes. One holds letter-size files parallel to the drawer front. The maximum-capacity alternative holds legal size files aligned at 90 degrees to the drawer front.