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Manufacturer's Product Description

The Oasis Seating Collection by Stance Healthcare is designed exclusively for public waiting/reception areas and patient rooms.
The Oasis Collection features clean, contemporary styling, ultra-durable construction and a plethora of unique features specific to healthcare seating products.
Our focus on creating healthcare solutions is evidenced, par excellence, in the engineering of the Oasis line. For instance, our molded foam seats and backs guarantee enhanced comfort and visual consistency. Additionally, the bevelled handgrip design, field-replaceable upholstery and components, ample cleaning spaces and a wall-saving leg design combine to set the Oasis line apart from other healthcare seating products.
The Oasis collection is made up of single chairs, two seaters, three seaters, and of course, high-back and bariatric models.
These may be grouped together with the insertion of matching table surfaces to achieve the perfect configuration for any healthcare space.