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Manufacturer's Product Description

This smaller sized pendant at 6" round, is perfect to be used in a grouping of the same. The body of the pendant is wrought iron and is finished in our satin black. It comes with a 6 foot chain instead of the normal straight rod for support. The clear glass shade is recycled glass and is imperfect, giving this pendant the industrial look. The creative use of hand blown glass forms a delightful shade for this one light fixture. Looks the best with an antique reproduction bulb like shown. The chain allows this pendant to be hung at any length, giving you flexibility. The overall size is 6" round x 13" high to the bottom of the chain. This one light fixture has 100w maximum. THIS PENDANT HAS ALREADY CAUSED QUITE A STIR! DUE INTO OUR WAREHOUSE END OF JANUARY. FEEL FREE TO PREORDER!
More information:, search under item #C09060.