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Manufacturer's Product Description

Montel’s Mobilex® high-density mobile storage system significantly allows greater storage capacity of existing storage space versus conventional filing and stationary shelving systems. Mobilex allows one or more ranges to be moved easily and effortlessly with a crank handle. It offers a complete range of shelving to solve specific storage needs : archives, blue prints, books, boxes, CDs and DVDs, files, films, tapes, tools, x-rays and virtually anything you can think of.
Find out why Montel's Mobilex® high-density mobile storage system is the most flexible, efficient, safe, easy and reliable system on the market.
Mobilex carriages systems can accommodate a variety of Montel shelving systems: SmartShelf (4-Post hybrid shelving), Cabinet Style (Case-type), Aetnastak (Cantilever library shelving), 4D Wide Span (4-Post long span shelving), extensive line of cabinets and a variety of new or existing shelving.