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Manufacturer's Product Description


Perfect Turkey® Button
Ensures moist, delicious poultry. Imagine stress-free holiday cooking.¹

Luxury-Glide® Oven Racks
With a ball bearing system, oven racks are so smooth they extend effortlessly.

Our convection technology features a third convection element for consistently even results, up to 30% faster cooking times and even more baking options.

Wave-Touch® Controls
One simple touch and the control panel activates, showing the virtually endless cooking options. After you make your choices, all but the options selected will fade away, returning to an elegant display.

Luxury-Design® Lighting
Our ramp-up designer halogen lighting is as beautiful as it is functional.

Luxury-Hold™ Door
Our oven door stays put at whatever angle you place it.

"My Favorite" Settings
Settings you can customize to meet your needs, so the option you want is available at the touch of a button.