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Manufacturer's Product Description

Weather Resistant Barrier

Wind-driven rain is easily screened and shed by the “drainage plane” of the breathable WallShield®. The simple rain screen sheds moisture. WallShield® functions as a very effective weather resistant barrier delivering maximum water holdout whilst also having very high water vapor permeability (212 perms). WallShield® fabric allows harmful moisture to escape from inside the building envelope and it helps wet sheating to dry out once corresponding temperature and vapor pressure differentials occur.

Easy installation

WallShield® is as easy to install as any traditional membrane, but offers many benefits critically needed by modern construction projects. VaproShield® accessories, such as formed corners, tapes, spray adhesives and flashing rolls, ensure builders have everything needed to do the project right, ensuring the most advanced vapor control protection. Rolls of WallShield® are delivered individually wrapped in a polythene sleeve. The material is supplied with a user guide. Rolls may be stored flat or upright on a clean, level surface.


WallShield® is unique in its ability to allow damp sheathing (plywood/exterior gypsum) to dry out during construction. This is due to the extreme permeability of the product and the use of a simple rain screen design.

WallShield® offers the industry a complete systems approach as a breather membrane in rain screen designs. From the simple to the sophisticated, WallShield® minimizes water and moisture intrusion, yet allows the building to breathe.

Due to the demand for open-joint rain screen cladding (i.e. Trespa Meteon® ) panel systems, WallShield® offers a black material. The black WallShield® is U.V. stable and creates the desired black reveal.

WallShield® offers advantages that peel and stick membranes do not. Most notably, WallShield® allows walls and corners to breathe. In addition, WallShield® is easily applied, reducing labor costs. After being installed, WallShield® can remain exposed up to nine months without incurring any damage due to U.V. exposure.

WallShield® is not an air barrier, but has been tested as a component in a composite air barrier tested assembly. See our WrapShield® product, for an Air Barrier Systems approach.